Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Highlights from 2014

Happy New Year 2015

Been a BIG year

Not writing enough 

Not surfing enough

Too many cakes and chocolates


shooting everything from 
babies to fashion parades
and muso's, posers, trannies
and surfers old and young

Getting sunburnt

Cycling all day in the rain

Getting run down by waves

Getting run down
Getting up again

So many photo's
So many nice folks

I haven't even processed them all
(and some commercial jobs
are still behind)

To all my brine brothers and sistas

To all my friends and family

To all my cyber-universe acquaintances 

To everybody who smiled or said g'day

for 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dave's Board

"the energy to reduce 
large slabs of landscape
into something else
to convince its bones
that they're green
in the hope they'll vanish
because green is the one colour
he couldn't care less about
even though
it spends half its time
deciding where he lives"

Nathan Shepherdson from The Day The Artists Stood Still

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ice Cream Man

Forget Greensleaves 
and all the rest
There's only one song 
for the ice cream van:
"Now, ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my street 
Your little truck, you know, 
(ice cream man) is a-neat, neat 
And ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my block, 
I heard your chimes, I know they reel and they rock"
from Ice Cream Man by Jonathon Richmond

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Brine Time

I started my first blog - Brine Time - about five years ago as a response to my brother's passing and that gut wrenching grief that can't be explained in words or pictures.  I guess at the back of my mind, mixed in with all those emotions, was the cold hard reality that we're all mortal. Me included.

Despite our mortality,  photography enables the moments we witnessed along the paths we trekked, to live a little longer, to be witnessed again years, or decades later by the generations that follow us. That's not why I take photos. It's just a side benefit.

After 793 posts, the IT gods advised that I had filled my quota of free space on Brne Time. Hence this thing called Modyssey (modern + odyssey) Click here to check out my first blog. Peace to you and your tribe.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Birhday x 2

What are the chances 
that two of the guys I surf with 
share the same birthday?

Two shots of two twinnies.
GfG on a MR and
modern keel fish below.

Happy birthdays 
Lloydy and 

Maintain the stoke!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What if?

It's pretty gloomy weather here today in Brinetopia. We have had record falls of rain during what should be a fairly dry, sunny winter. So I thought an extra splash of colour was needed.

For those still reading, gloomy weather doesn't just exist outside our heads but seeps inside too sometimes - illness, fatigue, money woes, relationship woes, being a teenager, being old, losing loved ones and so on. Life gets complicated. (Thank your God that we have the brine to roll around in.)

So I was intrigued and moved enough to share this little find, which may or not, be to your liking. I admit I'm a bit skeptical of anything reeking of unqualified "self-help", especially when there are so many banner adds, but then again, what if? What if I read this little poem called What If?  ? 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Back in the saddle

Today's post is for Laura. 
May you travel safe and be inspired to write and shoot and share and laugh.

"Every day in itself is a blessing.
It is all we ever have anyway, 
the moment we are in."
from The Top Five Regrets of the Dying