Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What if?

It's pretty gloomy weather here today in Brinetopia. We have had record falls of rain during what should be a fairly dry, sunny winter. So I thought an extra splash of colour was needed.

For those still reading, gloomy weather doesn't just exist outside our heads but seeps inside too sometimes - illness, fatigue, money woes, relationship woes, being a teenager, being old, losing loved ones and so on. Life gets complicated. (Thank your God that we have the brine to roll around in.)

So I was intrigued and moved enough to share this little find, which may or not, be to your liking. I admit I'm a bit skeptical of anything reeking of unqualified "self-help", especially when there are so many banner adds, but then again, what if? What if I read this little poem called What If?  ? 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Back in the saddle

Today's post is for Laura. 
May you travel safe and be inspired to write and shoot and share and laugh.

"Every day in itself is a blessing.
It is all we ever have anyway, 
the moment we are in."
from The Top Five Regrets of the Dying

Friday, August 22, 2014

Respect Your Elders

This guy is 66 years young and retired, looks to be living the dream. So what?
Well, he's survived prostate cancer and two open heart surgeries and he's still paddling out somewhere between Byron and Noosa every Wednesday with his fellow Wednesday Wandererers and every other weekend.
And he's the most stoked surfer in any conditions.
What an inspiration for the rest of us.
Go Bazza!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thoreau, bikes and fear

Today's post is dedicated to the memory of the late Brett Whittaker (RIP) and our dedicated team of amateur cyclists and crew who have been training and fund raising and getting out of our fearful, comfort zones to raise money for cancer research.
None of us have fundraising or long distance cycling experience. Yet, tomorrow we will embark on a 200km cycle trek, through what looks like quite a bit of rain. Even if we dont make the whole course, we know that we have raised (so far) $17K and have become a little bit better in so many ways.

"What you get 
by achieving your goals 
is not as important as 
what you become 
by achieving your goals."

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Photo below is a collaboration between two different cameras with two different lenses in two different places and the wonderful tech of Photoshop Elements (which came for free with my scanner - can't afford the Real Photoshop and am precious about stealing as should any creative be).
The sign and trees are near Brunswick Heads shot from the car while travelling south to Byron Bay. As the usual highway driver, I always wanted to get this shot but never stopped...rule one, stop and get the shot. 
But this day I was the passenger. We didn't stop, but I gave the Nikonos II and 35mm len's "manual-everything" combo my best guess.
The surf shot was captured on the Sunny Coast with a Nikonos V + 80mm combo (a tricky lens to use while treading water in the surf). 

But the real point of this post is to highlight the analogue wonders of the crew over at #nikonosproject. Great to see the next generation of surf shooters embracing the awesome analogue technology (is that a tautology, Rebecca?) of the last century.
Check them out. Go film!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The BIG Ride

I'm riding my Electra cruiser bicycle 200kms over two days as part of the 2014 Riotinto  Ride to Conquer Cancer It's to raise money for cancer research so consider yourselves "hit up". I'm $500 short of my goal of $2500 AU. 
My niece is now a widow in her 30s and has organised a family team in memory of her hubby who passed away earlier this year from brain cancer. I lost a 22 year old niece last year as well. So I know first hand  the impact on family.

If you want to make a tax deductible donation please follow this  basic formula

go to the site, click Donate in left hand column
type in my name

donate and organise your tax receipt
Ta and many thanks